Dishonored Save Editor

on Sunday, 28 April 2013

You currently can extract and replace decompressed entry's and....

Regular Bullets
Explosive Bullets
Crossbow Bolts
Sleep Dorts
Incendiory Bolts
Sticky Grenades
Piero's Spiritual Remedy

Darksiders II Save Editor

1. Mod BOTH dssave0.sav and dssave4.sav files to make sure you mod the correct file!!!!
2. Open your save in Horizon and click the "Contents" Tab, then right-click the file in there and Select Extract
3. Open the Extracted save into the Editor
4. Mod what you want
5. Replace the dssave#.sav file back into your dssave#.sav file
6. Rehash/Resign
7. PLAY!

Enchanted Arms Save Editor

1. Extract your full save
2. Open your save into the Editor
3. Mod what you want and press Save
4. Rehash/Resign
5. PLAY!!!

The Witcher 2 Editor

ok, here a tool for editing cash,xp,level and upgrade points...

this tool basicly takes your whole save apart, and rebuild it...
it should work for everyone.

How to use :

1. Open up your save... either from Ftp/Usb or Local Path.
2. Edit the Values to your desiring and hit save.

File will be saved Rehashed & Resigned.

Special Thanks to PureIso , 8Ball & Clks Rebelion (Fatx Lib)

if anny bugs found , please report them.

Enjoy !

Download The Witcher 2 Editor Here

Borderlands 2 GPD Save Editor

on Saturday, 20 April 2013

How to use:

1.) Extract your Gamer Profile from your XBox 360 device using Horizon.
2.) Open the extracted Gamer Profile with Horizon, go to contents and extract the Borderlands 2 GPD [5454087C].
3.) Run the editor, first open the extracted Borderlands 2 GPD then open your extracted Gamer Profile.
4.) Edit your Badass Tokens, Golden Keys, Bonus Stats and save.
5.) Open your extracted Gamer Profile with Horizon and replace your GPD with the modded one.
6.) Rehash & Resign your Gamer Profile.

Download Here

Dark Souls Save Editor

This tool actually exists in 3 parts.
* Part1 = The Statistics
you can edit the character statistics to your likings and make the gameplay a lil asier ;)

* Part2 = The inventory

The inventory Part is unique to its kind, it has all the needed stuff to make editing a little asier.
like :
* Adding new items
* Removing Items
* Change the Quantity and Durability
* Orginize the inventory.
* Sort By Section 

if you want to properly orginize the inventory you can remove all items and add new ones from the 

that way it will sort them and list them the way u like it.

Some items in the inventory may accur as "Unknown" ..., U can rename it to whatever you want , and give 

it its own section.
the newly renamed item will be in the database, So make sure you hit save inside the database tab for 

saving the changes.

All items has to be added from the database, so in the database tab you'l find all needed stuff to add the 

items to your inventory

Removing items from your inventory is easy as pie.
you can remove every item you want , and all removed items will be inside the trash can.
from the trash can you can restore the items if needed.

Note that if you close the application , the trash will be empty. 

After every changes inside the inventory or database , saving changes is needed to keep the changes.

*Part 3 = The DataBase

Basicly the database is the main thing for handeling your inventory.
all needed info for properly handeling the items are stored inside.
you have the freedom to change the items to your desirings, and make it even better/bigger

i may have forgotten some stuff to explain... but that will come up eventually :P

Enjoy !

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Save Editor

How to use:
1. Put your Save on Computer.
2. Open the Save in Horizon and extract the ups.dat from the CON.
3. Open the extracted file with my editor.
4. Then replace the save in the CON with the modded one.
5. Inject the CON back to your device and play.

Download Here
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